Meet the Show Team

Meet the woman behind the grooming kit, Susan! When her daughter first began horse showing, Susan was always looking for ways to help around the barn without being underfoot. This is where she grew her grooming passion, making it her goal to find the ultimate horse shine, and the determination to test every product in the field to find what’s best for each horse. Nothing makes Susan happier than seeing a shiny, well-groomed horse with a thick, beautiful tail as they go by the rail.

Meet Annie, Susan’s daughter. Annie has been riding since she was eight years old. She is currently showing in the children’s hunter recently purchasing a new horse, Wimbledon, and their love for one another is constantly growing. As Annie finished high school, her goal is to continue to move up and grow her riding abilities.

Corporate America by day, Adult Amateur by night, Stephanie fills any spare time she can find in the equestrian world. Currently fulfilling a life long dream of bringing up a baby, Stephanie left the jumper ring to start fresh with Southern Suggestion, AKA Scarlett, her 3 year old Holsteiner.

Riding and competing since she was 4 years old, Valentina is the professional bringing this team together. Training her clients in the hunter/jumper world from local shows through AA shows, Valentina specializes in helping riders and their horses grow their relationship on both an athletic and relationship level.