First Impressions: Knotty Horse
Happy Thursday – It’s Susan!
I was recently sent a sample of Knotty Horse Apricot Oil Detangling Treatment.
I have two goals when I pick tail detanglers: (1) purchasing a product that leaves a tail tangle free and silky for about three days, and (2) the detangling product does not serve as a dust magnet in the turnout. I was recently sent a sample of Knotty Horse Apricot Oil Detangling Treatment and have been pleasantly surprised! It works through the tail really nicely and certainly loosens those snarls and tangles found in the tail. After pulling Wimpy in the following two days, his tail remains silky and snarl-free.

Wimpy rolls pretty religiously every day so if dust can be picked up, he is doing everything in his power to get it stuck in his tail, but I was thrilled to see his tail did not have a cloudy appearance to it in the days following. I love the fact that it leaves the tail silky but not greasy, and that the apricot kernel oil absorbs nicely into the tail.
I love that the he Knotty Horse product has vitamins A&E to keep the tail healthy. With all of these natural ingredients, you can simply take the residue of this product and massage it into your hands – which left my hands feeling soft and smelling amazing.
If you buy any product based solely on smell, this product would immediately be added to your cart. It smells simply heavenly and you will smell it down the barn isle all day! If you are around horses, you know how impressive that is.

I liked this product enough that I ordered the 12 oz. bottle from SmarkPak for $30 (less a coupon of 15%). Given all the time and money I have put into growing a nice tail, I feel it is money well spent. I was also so impressed with it, I purchased a bottle of the Knotty Horse Apricot Oil Brightening & Conditioning Shampoo, and I CANNOT wait to try it out! Until next time 🙂
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Adding this to my cart right now!!