Clippin’ Awesome
Happy Thursday! Susan’s back!
After an embarrassingly long delay, we are ready to get back at it!! Let’s talk about clipping, especially since many of our horses’ coats are trying to figure out if it is winter or summer. Whether it is for the show ring or to make your horses more comfortable as warmer days become more common, many of us will be busting out the clippers.
The biggest issue with body clipping is the unveiling of the freshly clipped coat. Is your horse going to be covered in dandruff? Or is your horse going to have a dull, lackluster coat? I have fallen in love with another product from the Ecolicious line – called Clippin’ Awesome.
If you clip frequently to keep your horse show ring ready, I find that many of those ponies and horses that are frequently clipped almost have a dried out appearance. Clippin’ Awesome is the deep moisture treatment that replenishes some of the oils lost with frequently clipping.

Their products are human-grade and integrate all natural products into an effective, sweet smelling product line. Clippin’ Awesome arrives in a concentrate – you add a few ounces of this product to water and shake vigorously. I apply it to the horse’s freshly clipped coat and I like to curry it in so that we really moisturize that freshly exposed coat and skin. I would say it is the equivalent of a freshly shaved legs…. you gotta moisturize! With ingredients like camellia, coconut, lavender oil and vitamin E, you are ensuring your freshly clipped friend is deeply moisturized and smelling amazing.
We tested this product on one pony and one horse – and the pony tends to struggle with lots of dandruff post-clip. Not this time – she shined in the ring after a fresh clip. Here’s to a freshly clipped coat!